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Adhd test Quiz

tail spin

1 / 40

Were most of the symptoms you answered yes to present prior to age 12?

2 / 40

Do you often find yourself needing to do something with your hands (like tapping or fidgeting) while sitting?

3 / 40

How do you feel about engaging in leisure activities that require sitting still for long periods?

4 / 40

Do you often forget why you entered a room or opened an app?

5 / 40

How do you handle unexpected interruptions during a task?

6 / 40

Do you often find yourself talking excessively in social situations?

7 / 40

How do you cope with waiting for something you're excited about?

8 / 40

Do you struggle with following a conversation in a noisy environment?

9 / 40

How often do you find yourself daydreaming?

10 / 40

How do you react to sudden changes in plans?

11 / 40

Do you often start tasks but struggle to complete them?

12 / 40

Do you fidget a lot?

13 / 40

Do you feel a strong need to go, go, go?

14 / 40

Do you feel restless at home?

15 / 40

Do you blurt out answers before the question isn't finished??

16 / 40

Do you leave your seat often even if you shouldn't?

17 / 40

Do you find it hard to be still in group settings?

18 / 40

Is it hard for you to wait in a line?

19 / 40

Do you interrupt others in conversation?

20 / 40

Do you take breaks often to break up a large piece of work?

21 / 40

Can you work if it's quiet?

22 / 40

Can you relax well?

23 / 40

Is it hard to follow written instructions?

24 / 40

Do you lose important personal items like your glasses?

25 / 40

How often do you misplace items you use daily?

26 / 40

How do you keep track of important dates or events?

27 / 40

How punctual are you for social events?

28 / 40

Do you make careless mistakes at work or school?

29 / 40

How often do you double-check your decisions?

30 / 40

How do you approach daily chores or tasks?

31 / 40

Do you manage your time well?

32 / 40

Do you have trouble listening when being spoken to directly?

33 / 40

Are you able to read for long periods of time?

34 / 40

Can you easily focus on movies and TV?

35 / 40

Do you get distracted by external stimuli?

36 / 40

Do you get intruding thoughts often?

37 / 40

How do you handle multi-step projects?

38 / 40

Can you focus on work well?

39 / 40

Are you organized?

40 / 40

Do you pay attention in conversations?

Your score is

This self-assessment quiz is designed to help you understand your attention and focus levels. Answer a series of questions to see if your experiences align with common symptoms of ADHD. It’s a quick, insightful tool for gaining a better understanding of your attention patterns.

HTML and CSS in One File
Charlie, Heywise Staff

Quiz WriterAnkit, ThoughtWade Staff

HTML and CSS in One File

How To Play?

HTML and CSS in One File

Our personality quizzes are set up a little differently than your basic trivia quiz, but you’ve probably seen their kind around. Rather than having to choose the right answer from a list of multiple choice options, in this case, there is no “right answer”! (Two plus two will always be four, but every Golden Girls character is equally awesome.)So, stop stressing. Just click on the answer that suits you best, and enjoy the ride. These quizzes are just for fun but who knows – you might just learn something about yourself along the way!

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